“Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, we should go up and take possession of the land for we can certainly do it”.
–Numbers 13:30
Has God ever asked you to do something you’ve never done or are what seemed incapable to do? In Numbers 13:30, after spying out the Promise land, some of the spies shared a report that was according to their ability alone. Caleb on the other hand, being empowered by the Holy Spirit, shared his report, and God got the glory.
You are the chosen of God. You are God’s ordained CHAMPION, called to do great exploits for Him. Seek to understand what God wants you to do and decide to partner with him and just do it. God has ordained you divinely and has set your possession before you. Certainly, there are steps that lead up to that moment, including accepting God’s invitation to work with him. The possession doesn’t have to be vacant, but at God’s command, it is yours for the taking.
I encourage you to get fired up in your faith as God’s ordained CHAMPION; get on with the conquest today and go get your possession. “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. James 2: 18
My friends, choose to walk in faith today, not in doubt. Choose your healing right now, and not sickness. You’ve got to write faith in that page called “today.” Make the choice to partner with God and before you know it, like Caleb your faith will be speaking much louder than any fear.
Take courage, the possession is yours for the taking. Don’t allow anyone or anything to talk you out of what God’s got in store for you. Walk by faith and not by sight.
God bless your heart today.
Lord, I thank You today, that You are faithful, and You will never fail us. Show Your graciousness to someone today. Sanctify our minds today. O God stretch our faith today so that when we face trials, we will see opportunities instead of obstacles. Let Your will be done and let Your name be glorified, in Jesus’ name we pray. God bless you today, and I love you with the love of God. Get up and go get your possession in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Take a few moments to reflect on this devotion and the Scriptures you read today. Are there things you want to put into place in order to improve your life and achieve your goals? What can you start doing in order to achieve your goals?