Start Restoring Your Faith, Love and Life Today with My FREE STARTER KIT

Start Restoring Your Faith, Love and Life Today with My FREE STARTER KIT

What would happen if the trauma you’ve survived wove into a powerful journey toward achieving intentional transformation?

As a black woman, Christian, and trauma survivor, I deeply understand the complex challenges faced by those who have experienced trauma — struggling to look beyond their hardships, recognize their worth and believe in their potential to transform their lives and positively influence the world.

Driven by my transformative journey from severe trauma, I created the T.H.R.E.A.D SIX-STEP SYSTEM ©. This framework is crafted to assist individuals who have encountered trauma—whether through relationships, service, or education—in weaving their experiences into a narrative of exploration, navigation, and ultimate flourishing. Our comprehensive package, featuring self-help books, hybrid training, and personalized mentorship, merges spiritual practices with Jungian psychology principles to equip you with the necessary resources for achieving intentional transformation.

I invite people from all walks of life to join us on this soulful journey. Together, we can uncover the potential beyond trauma, empowering you to unlock your true capabilities and thrive in life. By transforming your past adversities into a foundation for holistic growth and enlightenment, we pave the way for a truly transformative experience.


Since 2018, The Thread Movement has supported, equipped, and empowered thousands of women and girls of color, organizations, and communities to achieve intentional transformation from trauma or crisis through mentorship and access to soul healing resources. 


We Envision People Thriving in Life Through Intentional Transformation.


We value;

  • Inclusion
  • Innovation
  • Impact
  • Intentionality


To equip, support, and celebrate women and girls of color through mentorship and access to soul-healing and transformative resources, that will:


you to think of the outcome you want to achieve from your trauma or crisis and start taking action to get the positive outcomes you want.


you to extract wisdom from lessons learned and enlist trusted allies to help you forge a new pathway to experience freedom and success in life.


you to cultivate a growth mindset and develop an intentional action plan to track your progress and increase your contribution and sustainable impact.


you through intentional community engagement, networking, and continuous learning to equip you to transform lives and live the life you love.


The T.H.R.E.A.D Six-Step System©

THE T.H.R.E.A.D System© is an acronym for Think, Harvest, Release, Enlist, Adopt, and Design, a personal and professional development tool informed by research and incorporates Christian principles to help women and girls of color take intentional steps to transform from trauma or crisis. Each T.H.R.E.A.D step encourages women and girls of color to:


Think positive outcomes


Harvest lessons learned


Release old patterns and behaviors


Enlist reliable allies


Adopt a growth mindset


Design an intentional action plan

Women and girls of color need leadership, mentorship, support, and resources to help transform their lives from trauma or crisis. Our premier virtual mentorship program teaches women and girls of color the principles of The T.H.R.E.A.D Six-Step System© to achieve their desired outcomes. Approximately 30 women have completed The Thread pilot program. Learn more about our impact here!


Women Served

Girls Helped

Countries Reached

Resources Donated


Trauma recovery self-help books, tools and intervention to empower survivors to achieve intentional transformation.